Chicas Get Creative and Build Confidence at ¡Exprésate! Summer Camp

Our Chicas team and participants stay busy during the summer with all sorts of activities including our Soccer Academy, STEM camp, and ¡Exprésate! camp.

Last week, during ¡Exprésate! (Express Yourself!), the girls got creative, worked out, and learned about leadership and confidence. ¡Exprésate! is all about creating, living healthy lifestyles, and expressing yourself through art, culture, and dance.

The fun-filled week included tie-dying, making tortillas, learning about stress management, acroyoga, and much more.

Thanks to Nike, the girls all had a session with Nike staff doing a fun outdoor workout, followed by learning about power poses, confidence, and communication.

A big thank you to all of our community partners who help make this camp possible for the girls!


Our Forest Grove Farmers Market Turns 15!


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