Capital Campaign Update!

Adelante Mujeres staff has officially moved back into the building, Early Childhood Education classes have begun in our new classrooms, and our Chicas Makerspace will soon be opening!

A Washington County Civic Leaders session in one of our newly renovated classrooms.

A Washington County Civic Leaders session in one of our newly renovated classrooms.


BUT — we still have $132,000 to raise for the Capital Campaign!

We are SO close! So far we have raised $3.1M (!!) — an amazing feat — and with your help we can finish this campaign so that we can fully focus on supporting the people we serve.

If we all come together, we can raise this final $132,000 in no time.

Here are 3 ways you can support the final leg of our Capital Campaign and be a part of Adelante history:

  1. Join our La Lucha Monthly Giving Community.

You can pledge any amount over one or several years so that you don’t have to give it up front. (psst…. you’ll also get this awesome t-shirt). CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP


2. Get your name on our donor wall.

  1. Pledge to give $45/month for one year and you’ll get your name on our donor wall! (don’t tell anyone yet, but our donor wall is going to be a beautiful living plant wall with the names incorporated into the plants! Eeeee!) SIGN UP HERE

    3. Name a room.

    If you want to make a BIG impact, we still have naming opportunities available. MORE INFO HERE


Muchas gracias!


Nourishing The Community, one class at a time.


Another Empresas Class Graduates!