Supporting Claudia Through Postpartum Depression

One of the most difficult things as mothers is to look at the positive side of everything when we have a baby and our dreams are transformed. Claudia, like many women, has had to learn to see her positive side as a mother, wife, and as an active member within her community.

Claudia and her daughter, Elizabeth.

Claudia and her daughter, Elizabeth.

After postpartum depression with her daughter Elizabeth, Claudia started to experience negative thoughts of worthlessness. I asked myself how many of us as mothers feel this way at one point in our motherhood? How many of us ignore that and feel like it’s the normal?

I asked myself how many of us as mothers feel this way at one point in our motherhood? How many of us ignore that and feel like it’s the normal?

Claudia and her daughter Elizabeth started to get help from the community, by attending classes and participating in church activities. When Elizabeth started in our Early Childhood Education Program, she was having separation anxiety and she cried for hours while Claudia was in English classes. Now Elizabeth goes to preschool at the WL Henry Elementary School; she has a lot of friends and enjoys being at school.

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Claudia started to overcome this depression and attend the adult education classes after she dropped off her daughter. She participated in English, parenting, nutrition, Beyond Trauma, and leadership classes. All of her classmates love her and enjoy her company and her wise knowledge.

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Claudia says, “Programs such as what Adelante Mujeres offers, where children and parents can learn, are what we truly need in our community.”

“Programs such as what Adelante Mujeres offers, where children and parents can learn, are what we truly need in our community.”

Listening to each other and sharing their stories helps them feel cared for and supported.  From this experience, Claudia feels like she finally can be on the path to make her dreams a reality.

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Alexandra Nahill is the ECE & Adult Education Family Engagement Coordinator at Adelante Mujeres. She has a degree in Biology and worked for many years with sea turtles in Costa Rica and Colombia. For over 10 years, she has worked in Oregon teaching English, Physical Education, Yoga, and Nature Studies to children and adults.


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